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Acquisition + preprocessing 

MAP Fast



Spectral analysis 

ML upscaling 

Near real time delivery 


Alteration mapping and domain definition

Spectrally diagnostic minerals are identified based on the resolution of the data available. The distribution of the identified minerals are mapped either for minerals mixtures or mineral groups depending on the area of interest. 

Semi-quantitative abundance estimation

Mineralogical quantification of the spectrally identified minerals aids with the large characterization of the deposit. Mineral abundances are based on spectral data and can be calibrated with point measurements collected in the field.

Photogeological interpretation

Understanding the geology together with the structural features helps to achieve a full characterization of your deposit. Assessing geomorphic features, uplift and subsidence and the integration with existing data provide the full picture. 

Data acquisition and pre-processing

Multispectral  satellite data or hyperspectral drone based data are geolocated and orthorectified to assure topographic realness and accurate location.


​Ideal for data exploration, alteration mapping and domain definition


Semi-quantitative mineralogy based on ground truth data

MAP Fast

When time is of the essence we provide initial results overnight

TheiaX's MAP service packages are ideal for your large exploration licenses. Depending on your needs we have developed three service packages for you:

Data acquisition and pre-processing

Multispectral  satellite data or hyperspectral drone based data are geolocated and orthorectified to assure topographic realness and accurate location.

Alteration mapping and domain definition

Spectrally diagnostic minerals are identified based on the resolution of the data available. The distribution of the identified minerals are mapped either for minerals mixtures or mineral groups depending on the area of interest. 

Semi-quantitative abundance estimation

Mineralogical quantification of the spectrally identified minerals aids with the large characterization of the deposit. Mineral abundances are based on spectral data and can be calibrated with point measurements collected in the field.

Photogeological interpretation

Understanding the geology together with the structural features helps to achieve a full characterization of your deposit. Assessing geomorphic features, uplift and subsidence and the integration with existing data provide the full picture.